We are a team of skincare specialist, yoga professional, spa & herbalist, 

Who truly believe in goodness from nature as well as the eastern art of well-being.
We have always been mindful about what we choose and its impact on our bodies, minds, and the earth. 

Through our passion & in-depth knowledge of powerful and therapeutic qualities of herbs& plants, 

A line of daily & personal natural skincare products was uniquely created to support our everyday skincare treatments & yoga practices.

Natural Products
ผลิตภัณฑ์จาก AMARTOS



Paraben and Other Petrochemical Free

ปราศจากสารกันเสียเช่น พาราเบน และสารเคมีอันตราย 

Synthetic Color Free


SLS Free

ปราศจากสารโซเดียมลอริลซัลเฟต (สารชะล้างก่อมะเร็ง)

Mineral Oil Free

ปราศจากมิเนอรัล ออยล์ ต้นเหตุนึงของการอุดตันของรูขุมขน ผื่นแพ้ 

Not Tested on Animals


Earth Friendly, Pure and Natural

ใช้แต่วัสดุที่เป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม  และส่วนผสมที่บริสุทธิ์จากธรรมชาติในการผลิตผลิตภัณฑ์

Inspiration to create our Products: 

Due to brand’s founder, herself, and also some of her family members and relatives had chronic skin problems such as rashes, acne, and freckles.

We believed that the true cause of their skin problems is the side effect of harmful chemicals that are used in daily skincare and body care products in the market. (Paraben, SLS, Synthetic Color, etc.)

Therefore, our founder started to create AMARTOS products to be the solution for her beloved family with her core belief that our bodies are so precious to us,
That we want to put only the best, the purest, and the most effective products on them.

AMARTOS products are made of 100% pure natural ingredients and essential oils. Carefully selected only the purest and most potent to be used in our healing and therapeutic blends.


Natural Skin/Body Care

Yoga Products

Probiotic Drinks/Foods

Cosmetic  OEM/ODM

Health and Wellness Center

Beauty and Skincare Clinic



Tel: 081-519-5285

Fax: 02-934-7693

Line@:  @nzskincare

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